SAFA on the job training for Russian Airlines and ramp inspectors (DASR) | | Rijksdienst

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SAFA on the job training for Russian Airlines and ramp inspectors (DASR)

Project purpose

  • To assist the Russian aviation sector to gain knowledge of and to apply Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) and other international regulations;
  • To assist the Russian Aviation Sector manage the Russian fleet of airplanes in a cost efficient manner, complying with international regulations
  • Positioning and strengthening of NL industry/DASR partners in the Russian market;
  • Successfully execute a billable pilot project.

Project results

The project aims to achieve at least one pilot project on SMS and/or safety culture for airlines and Civil Aviation Authorities of the Russian Federation.




SGI Aviation


Aviation, Transport


€ 16.650

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

  • Start up the SAFA inspection On The Job Training for Russian airlines and ramp inspectors of RosAviation (CAA-RU)
  • Contribute to relevant SMS conferences or events in Russia;
  • Organise and execute a safety training/workshop for airlines and CAA/Gvt Executives in cooperation with ATO Events Russia to follow-up on the round table discussion during the trade mission in November 2013.

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