Scoping mission for Plan Variety Protection Myanmar | | Rijksdienst

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Scoping mission for Plan Variety Protection Myanmar

Project purpose

The general purpose of this project is to come up with a comprehensive proposal for Myanmar-Netherlands collaboration on strengthening the Myanmar’s seed sector enabling environment in order to create room for increased private sector investments.

The main activity of the project is to undertake a scoping for a comprehensive project to support the development of a strong Plant Variety Protection system in Myanmar.

This is expected to enhance the discussion of the transition of a largely public sector dominated seed sector to a more private sector-led seed sector (in all areas: early generation seed production, quality assurance and marketing).

Project results

The main deliverable of this project will be an elaborated and with all relevant stakeholders discussed project proposal addressing Myanmar’s PVP system and a Seed Sector Development Road Map.

The follows from:

  • a scoping mission for a comprehensive project to support the development of a strong Plant Variety Protection system in Myanmar; and
  • a discussion with all relevant Myanmar stakeholders on the transition of a largely public sector dominated seed sector to a more private sector-led seed sector (in all areas: early generation seed production, quality assurance and marketing).

Yangon, Myanmar

Stichting Nederlandse Algemene Kwaliteitsdienst Tuinbouw

€ 34.062

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities
The following activities are proposed to come up with the envisaged deliverables:

Preparations / Desk Study on Myanmar’s PVP and Seed Policy

The team will take notice of all documents and reports available on Myanmar’s policies, laws and regulations related to the seed sector. The team will ensure it will build upon the agreements already made between Myanmar and the Netherlands.

Mission Myanmar of NL Team of Experts

A one-week mission is planned for the week of 20-24 July to Myanmar. The mission will:

  • assess the current status of the PVP Law, its regulations and implementation capacity. To this end discussions will be held with MoAI’s Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), Department of Agriculture (DoA), private sector companies (i.e. potatoes, vegetables, maize); and NGO representatives.
  • Present and discuss the Wageningen UR Scoping Study, particularly focusing on the transition to a private sector-led seed sector; including the recent developments with respect to the MM-NL MoU.
  • Explore the possibility of the development of a Seed Sector Road Map with MoAI’s DAR and DoA, operationalizing the main intentions of the draft Seed Policy.
  • Liaise, in close consultation with MoAI, with the World Bank on concrete collaboration modalities in the implementation of the IDA-R2015-0068 Myanmar Agricultural Development Support project.
Develop full-fledged project proposal for PVP and policy support
  • The mission will come up with a proposal for a multi-annual support project for Myanmar’s seed sector contributing to a Seed Sector Road Map and a strong Plant Variety Protection system.
  • The mission will provide a short report on the status of the WB Agricultural Development Support project, with possible working modalities for joint implementation of the seed sector component.
News item on the mission and foreseen cooperation
  • A news item is to be delivered (max 1A4 both in English and in Dutch) describing the main results of this project as well as the cooperation which is foreseen for the nearby future.
  • This item will be published by RVOto inform Dutch public and private sector stakeholders.


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