Scoping Pan Hlaing Sluice Yangon | | Rijksdienst

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Scoping Pan Hlaing Sluice Yangon

Project purpose

The purpose of this project is to come up with Terms of Reference for a feasibility study including objectives, scoping, timeframe and technical/commercial viability for the design of a sluice at the confluence of the Pan Hlaing and Hlaing river close to Yangon. The MOAI has requested Dutch technical assistance for the design of this sluice. They stated that they don’t have the right expertise and lack experience in new techniques that are required to construct this sluice. This experience comprises all integrated water management issues. This project will collect information, address these issues and result in a TOR to be used for the next phase, the feasibility study.

Project results

The result of this phase should be a report (project digest) and TOR for the (pre) feasibility study including a description of:

  • Setting and local situation of the proposed Pan Hlaing sluice;
  • The available data (i.e. what sort of data are available);
  • The institutional setting and important stakeholders;
  • The problems in the Pan Hlaing river;
  • The function of Pan Hlaing sluice and the problems it should solve or reduce;
  • The requirements of the sluice and an indication of the sort of solutions that could be envisaged;
  • Possible environmental and social impacts that should be studied in the (pre)feasibility study;
  • A first indication of economic viability and options for financing of the realization of the sluice;
  • A proposal of a time frame for follow up activities.

The results of this phase should lead up to the preparation of a tender document for the next phase. This will be delivered in December 2014. Based on the outcome of this reconnaissance study, it will be decided whether the follow up should be a pre-feasibility study or (preferably) can be directly a feasibility study.


Yangon, Myanmar




Water Management


€ 44.496

Project status


Project activities
Preferably a compact mission consisting of two independent experts will be sent out.
The following activities will be part of their assignment:

  • Data collection;
  • Meetings and discussion with government officials and stakeholders;
  • Defining scope and main requirements of the sluice and associated hydraulic structures and measures;
  • Identifying points of attention for design, construction and use of the sluice;
  • Identifying possible environmental and social impacts, that need to be looked into in the feasibility study (EISA part);
  • Writing a draft project digest;
  • Writing draft TOR for feasibility study;
  • Scoping possible Myanmar counterparts and identifying financing possibilities;
  • Final report including comments from Myanmar and Dutch parties involved.

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