Silent sensors for stellar echo's and seismic surveys | | Rijksdienst

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Silent sensors for stellar echo's and seismic surveys

The SENSEIS project is a typical example where curiosity based fundamental research drives instrumentation across technology boundaries, leading to innovations that can be utilized throughout various industries. The detection of Gravitational Waves will be a ground-breaking discovery that requires the development of low noise, low power amplifiers and will profit from state-of-the-art seismic sensor networks for subtraction of so-called gravity gradient noise. SENSEIS will develop ultra-sensitive readout electronics for micro- electromechanical (MEMS) accelerometers in the low 1-100 Hz frequency band. SENSEIS will build seismic sensors with superior sensitivity also to be utilized in survey networks for oil and gas exploration. The innovative integrated circuits and MEMS accelerometers will also find applications in consumer electronics and scientific instrumentation.

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