Sino-Dutch cooperation in the Solar greenhouse in Shouguang | | Rijksdienst

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Sino-Dutch cooperation in the Solar greenhouse in Shouguang

Project purpose

Overall purpose of the trial: To research the improvement of cultivation, production and quality in traditional Chinese solar greenhouses by introducing modern (Netherlands) techniques.


The specific purpose of this project: to advice on the set-up and executing of the experiment and to compose the research report so that qualitative and reliable results are obtained and presented according to the high standards of WUR.


Project results

  1. Correct set-up and execution of the trials so that qualitative and reliable results are obtained
  2. Data (correctly) collected, interpreted and conclusions drawn
  3. Manual for correctly applying the tested techniques in solar greenhouses
  4. Final report with the research results, specifically outlining the (possible) benefits of applying the different methods and techniques in solar greenhouses, also paying attention to the related costs (in the short and long run)
  5. Knowledge about the above mentioned subjects is exchanged with the researchers of CAAS involved in the project.






Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR)



Horti culture



€ 48,540


Project status

Implementation phase



Project activities


Start up phase

WUR will assist in designing all trials and the experimental set up: WUR will for instance assist in the design of the new heat collection system and the new dehumidification system.

Designing the experiment for the application of soilless culture will be discussed as well. Which substrate will be investigated and what system is needed for the irrigation will be discussed.

The experimental setup (system, sensors, control, reference) will be outlined together with the CAAS.


Building phase

During construction a visit will be made to determine of the system is implemented correctly and to discuss the first trials. The placement of the sensors to monitor the climate and energy use are considered.


Experimental phase

During the implementation of the experiment (at least) two visits will be paid to evaluate the experiment (so far) and to assess if all data are measured correctly. The first results will be analysed and improvements will be suggested.


Wrap up phase

At the end of the experiment the results will be evaluated together with the client. A report describing the research and the conclusions as well recommendations and guidelines for successfully applying the (Netherlands) techniques in solar greenhouses will be composed and presented during a visit.

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