Sino-Dutch CSR Dialogue | | Rijksdienst

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Sino-Dutch CSR Dialogue

Project purpose

Dutch companies find it challenging to start implementing CSR in their supply chain with their Chinese partners, partly because a lack of knowledge concerning the CSR policy of the Chinese government.

Purpose is to facilitate Dutch companies in discussing CSR with their Chinese business partners by informing them about the CSR policy of the Chinese government.



Project results

  • Updated CSR information and tools have been developed
  • The updated CSR information is available through the regular channels of Bencham, EVD and MVO Nederland.
  • Dutch companies are able to address CSR issues



Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai



CSR Netherlands



Corporate Social Responsible



€ 50,000


Project status



Project activities



Inquire of Dutch companies what they need to know from the Chinese government / what we should ask the Chinese government exactly.  MVO Nederland and Bencham will do this by asking their member companies and partner organisations operating in China. This initial needs assessment consists of a basic questionnaire and interviews about their experiences and possibly problems with Chinese legislation and about what kind of tools are most needed.

Furthermore, the ministry of EA&I will inquire of the Dutch business organisation VNO-NCW about this issue.

In addition desk research  and analysis by MVO Nederland will be done on existing Chinese CSR legislation resulting in updated concept files on MVO Nederland, EVD and Bencham websites. These files will be checked and finalised during the mission and published after the mission.



Chinese CSR legislation will be summarised in a quick reference card for companies, including risk management card (concept version).

Furthermore, an outline of the workshop will be developed.

Working visit




Working visit to China

Working visit to China by Dutch experts of the ministry of EA&I (René van Hell and Elsbeth Visser) and MVO Nederland (Michiel van Yperen). The local representatives of Bencham will also take part in the programme.


Government Dialogue

(Monday, Tuesday)

Dialogue with the Chinese government about their CSR policy and vision (ISO26000, laws and regulations, guidelines etc). Goal is not to change Chinese policy and vision, but strengthen the relation and to gain insight in the CSR policy, legislation and future plans. Apart from the Ministry of Commerce, it will be investigated whether appointments should be made with other national and local parties such as the Ministry of Environmental Protection.


Preparation workshop


Based on this dialogue and new insights, the concept versions of the quick reference card, risk management card, workshop and website overviews will be adjusted by MVO Nederland and Bencham.


Workshop at each Bencham chapter

Three workshops will be organised for the Dutch companies of the three Bencham chapters in Beijing (Friday), Shanghai (Monday/Tuesday) and Guangzhou (Thursday/Friday).

Each workshop will be attended by approximately 20 companies.

The workshops will address questions like:

  • What is the demand of international markets and policy frameworks on CSR for (Dutch) companies?
  • What is the demand of Chinese CSR policy for (Dutch) companies? (based on quick reference card)
  • Which governance gap can be identified between international CSR frameworks and Chinese CSR policies?
  • Which risks for companies can be identified and how can companies deal with these risks? (based on risk management card)
  • How can the company address these issues in a sound way at their Chinese partner companies?
  • Which Dutch and Chinese organisations can support companies in implementing CSR in their supply chain?


The Ministry of EA&I will be present during all workshops. MVO Nederland will have the lead in the first workshop in Beijing. The responsible Bencham representative is already experienced in the field of CSR. Based on this experienced and his participation in the working visit and first training, he will be able to take the lead in the trainings in Shanghai and Guangzhou.



January - March:

The developed tools and files will be finalised and printed/published on the websites of MVO Nederland, EVD and Bencham.

MVO Nederland will communicate this project through the relevant branches, media and MVO newsletters.

In addition, four workshops will be delivered with Dutch sector organisations and member companies that have Chinese business partners about CSR in China. The workshops will be organised by MVO Nederland and will be specified to fit a particular set of branches like textile and garment (Modint/Mitex/VGT), toys and gadgets (PPP), metals (FME/Metaalunie), plastics and chemical (VNC/NRK), procurement (Nevi).

The Chinese country experts of EVD, EL&I and Chambers of Commerce will be invited to these workshops.


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