SMARTerWASH - Mobile Monitoring of Rural Water and Sanitation Services that last | | Rijksdienst

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SMARTerWASH - Mobile Monitoring of Rural Water and Sanitation Services that last




6 regions in Ghana


  • Water
  • Environment
  • ICT
  • Information technology

Project budget

€ 3,812,707 (FDW contribution = € 2,220,000)


  • IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre
  • Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA)
  • AKVO Foundation
  • Skyfox Ltd
  • Water for People (WFP)

Project description

The project aims to contribute to reducing the high level of the breakdown of drinkwater and sanitation systems in Ghana. Rural water supply has been successfully extended from 29% in 1992 to 63% in 2011 coverage of the rural population. However, as more systems are installed, the breakdown of existing facilities needs to be addressed. The project introduces a mobile monitoring system using sms by which communities can report broken water facilities. Also the project will set up an effective response system for District Authorities and GoG using the internet and mobile phones, whereby the government can effectively budget and plan investments. Out of 10 regions in Ghana, this project focuses on 6 regions and more than 100 districts, envisaging impact in terms of water and sanitation on approximately 8 million Ghana citizens. The Dutch IRC is partnering in this project with the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), a governmental agency responsible for facilitating the provision of safe drinking water and sanitation services to rural communities and small towns in Ghana, as well as Skyfox Ltd, a mobile service organization, the Dutch ICT company AKVO, and the NGO Water for People.

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