Source to Tap and Back | | Rijksdienst

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Source to Tap and Back




Addis Ababa and Oromia region


  • Water
  • Water treatment

Project budget

€ 7,083,417 (FDW contribution = € 4,250,050)


  • Vitens Evides International
  • Meta Meta Research BV
  • Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority
  • Adama Town Water Supply and Sewerage Service Supply
  • Oromia Water Ministry and Energy Bureau
  • Waterschap Vallei en Eem
  • Waterschap Zuiderzeeland
  • Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute
  • Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu

Project description

Given the occurrence of waterborne diseases and infant mortality in Ethiopia and its impact on Public Health and given the mutual dependency with regards to water resources for the Addis Ababa municipality and the Oromia Region the PPP in this project proposal will introduce and consolidate a collaborative framework for water resources protection in the municipality of Addis Ababa and the region of Oromia. The PPP will support the set up and implementation of the framework by introducing Water Safety Plans, in which both the capacity of partners Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWASA) and Adama Town Water Supply and Sewerage Service Supply (AWSSE) to deal with non- revenue water will increase. The project will also demonstrate small infrastructural measures in the catchment areas of potable water to increase water availability and its quality in the cities of Addis Ababa and Adama (e.g. prevention of soil erosion). Upscaling of these interventions to a national level will be made possible through the establishment of a national Education Centre focusing on Integrated Water Resources Mgt. and Water and Sanitation and Health approaches.

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