Southern African Partnership for Sustainable Cotton and Food | | Rijksdienst

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Southern African Partnership for Sustainable Cotton and Food

Project number



  • Mozambique
  • Zambia


  • Mozambique: Manica province
  • Zambia: Eastern Region


  • Agriculture

Project budget

€ 4,004,791 (FDOV contribution = € 2,000,000)


  • Solidaridad Network SA Trust
  • Solidaridad Network Foundation
  • Olam International Limited
  • Mozambique National Forum of Cotton Producers (FONPA)
  • Cotton Association of Zambia (CAZ)
  • Mozambique Cotton Institute (IAM)
  • Cotton Board of Zambia (CBZ)

Project description

This PPP aims to support the enhancement of food security among cotton smallholders. The project intervention focuses on increased productivity and yields of cotton and food crops. This may be achieved through improved farming practices and access to inputs and farming services provided by the PPP. The project gives 13,000 smallholder farmers in the Manica province in Mozambique and 13,000 farmers in the Eastern Region in Zambia access to both household food and cash, ensuring that they have a more resilient livelihood capable of protecting them from food insecurity and nutritional deprivation throughout the year. The applicant is Solidaridad Network SA Trust, a networking organisation. The private sector is represented by OLAM, which purchases crops like cotton and food, produced by smallholder farmers. The farmers are represented via two producer organisations: FONPA (Mozambique) and CAZ (Zambia). Governmental partners are IAM (Cotton Institute of Mozambique) and the Cotton Board of Zambia.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formal partner in this project.

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