Spring Balanced Offshore Access Bridge (Seaqualizer) | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Spring Balanced Offshore Access Bridge (Seaqualizer)

This project will build, test and analyze a prototype of the Seaqualizer, a spring balanced access bridge for safe, low-cost and energy efficient transfer of staff and cargo to wind-turbines. The Seaqualizer will increase their accessibility to >95%, decreasing downtime and the cost of installation, maintenance & intervention, leading to SDE+ savings of >€80 mln (2017-2023).

Korte omschrijving:
Marin will build and test the prototype in a tank simulation, advancing the technology from TRL4 to TRL5. ECN and IHC will be involved in the design and evaluation of the prototype in order to assess its technical feasibility and the benefits of the innovation compared to existing solutions.

Existing solutions for accessing wind turbines during high seas states are inherently unsafe and expensive energy guzzlers with limited operating window and load capacity. By combining modern hydro-pneumatics with the old métier of spring balance, a technology bringing significant improvements to these drawbacks is developed.

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