Stakeholder workshop on measuring performance of environmental enforcement authorities in China | | Rijksdienst

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Stakeholder workshop on measuring performance of environmental enforcement authorities in China

Project purpose


The project is to prepare and conduct a stakeholder workshop on measuring performance of environmental enforcement authorities in China, involving representatives of Chinese environmental enforcement authorities at the national, provincial and local levels and hosted by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection. The workshop’s objectives are:

  • To share with Chinese stakeholders the experience of the Netherlands and other OECD countries (based on the recent relevant OECD work) with the design and use of meaningful compliance and enforcement indicators;
  • To highlight the existing good practices of performance measurement at the national, provincial and local levels in China; and
  • To define the scope and priority outputs of a joint initiative to develop and test a set of quantitative indicators that would help China’s national and local environmental enforcement authorities to more adequately assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their efforts.


Project results

  • A brief issues paper on performance measurement of environmental enforcement in China;
  • A stakeholder workshop involving representatives of Chinese environmental enforcement authorities, the  Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the OECD, and possibly other players; and
  • Preliminary Terms of Reference for a larger project on performance measurement of environmental compliance assurance in China.






The Netherlands Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate in close cooperation with the Directorate International Affairs of the Ministry of Infrastructure and The Environment.






€ 25,000


Status project



Project activities

A 3 day workshop will be organised in Beijing concerning the exchange and sharing of experiences with the design and use of meaningful compliance and enforcement indicators.  Presentations will be prepared about the Dutch and European methodologies and by discussions the scope and priority outputs of a joint initiative will be defined and developed. This will result in a set of quantitative indicators that can help China’s national and local environmental enforcement authorities to make their effort more adequate, effective and efficient.

Participants in the workshop will be:

  • MEP – experts to be identified
  • AQSIQ – enforcement experts
  • Other Chinese stakeholders and players (to be identified)
  • Netherlands – enforcement expert on compliance monitoring and performance indicators
  • OECD


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