Strengthening the capacity and infrastructure of the Egyptian Transport Centre of Excellence (ETCE) | | Rijksdienst

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Strengthening the capacity and infrastructure of the Egyptian Transport Centre of Excellence (ETCE)

Project purpose

The purpose of this project is to strengthen the capacity and infrastructure of the Egyptian Transport Centre of Excellence (ETCE). Through this cooperation a better transport planning capacity and support of the data management systems will be accomplished.

Project results

  • Develop and execute a practical training programme for ETCE staff as well as other relevant governmental staff consisting of the tools and techniques of data base maintenance, surveying, transport planning (& utilizing transport planning software), management/modelling of transport systems and needs planning.
  • Assist the ETCE staff in developing a sound financial plan that identifies funding sources for needed investments and demonstrates the reasonably reliable means to maintain and operate the existing funded transportation system (through developing and executing a training).


Cairo, Egypt


Panteia B.V.




€ 144,000

Project status

Implementation phase

Project activities

Activities under result 1:

Preparations for developing the training transportation planning (1):
  • Explore the exact needs for setting up a comprehensive training programme for ETCE staff;
  • List the relevant civil servants from other Ministries involved in transportation planning and invite them to join the training (to start the dialogue/keep the dialogue ongoing)
Carry out the transportation planning (2)

Activities under result 2:

Preparations for developing the training financial planning:
  • Requirements related to developing financial plans are listed and fiscal constraint as part of the transportation planning and programming process is demonstrated;
  • Develop reasonable revenue forecasts;
  • Identify and project the different types of costs associated with maintaining existing transportation assets and building new capacity;
  • Discuss the causes of revenue and cost uncertainty;
  • Align revenues and expenses to demonstrate fiscal constraint;
  • Explain the mechanics of financing and transportation financing instruments;
  • List the potential benefits and considerations; associated with public private partnerships and alternative project delivery strategies;
  • Review best practices for developing fiscally constrained plans.
Carry out the financial planning training.

Activities under results 1 & 2:

  • Study visit to relevant institutions in the Netherlands.
  • Provide a follow up and coaching mission after the training period.

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