Strengthening The Institutional Capacity of Competent Authorities On Seveso II Inspections in Turkey | | Rijksdienst

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Strengthening The Institutional Capacity of Competent Authorities On Seveso II Inspections in Turkey

Project purpose

The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Development and the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security are able to execute the Turkish Seveso-II legislation in practice, as it is intended in the EU directive.


Project results

1.) The ministries and competent control authorities working on the implementation of Seveso II-directive in practice, have increased knowledge of their responsibilities and tasks according to the Seveso II-directive.

2.) A training program has been developed and executed for a relevant Turkish target group for the Implementation of the Seveso-II directive.

3.) Guidance and instruction for Seveso II-establishments have been given.









DCMR Environmental Protection Agency



€ 180,000


Status project



Project activities

Summary of proposed activities to be discussed with the beneficiary during inception visit in January 2012.


1.1 Inception Mission

  • stakeholder analysis
  • A kick-off meeting with the project beneficiaries to discuss and detail all project activities.
  • A quick training needs and gaps analysis to define the scope of the training program
  • Defining the planned study visit to the Netherlands: the delegates and the dates
  • Discussion meeting on the execution of the planned activities in Result 3, defining the roles for MoEU and MoLSS in a pilot audit and test audits.
  • Pre-selecting establishments suitable for the purpose of this project
  • Pre-selection of participants to the training program and to the planned

1.2 A delegation of 7 Turkish experts will go for four full days to the Netherlands for a visit of relevant institutions in the field of Seveso-II implementation in practice.

1.3 The organisational aspects of Seveso-II will be discussed in a working meeting.

1.4 A project team meeting will discuss the draft list of proposed auditors and auditor teams.  For every team a team leader will be appointed.


2.1 Preparations of the training program and selection of the participants

2.2 The module 1, 2 and 3 of the training program will be executed for max 40 staff members of

      relevant Seveso-II entities in the working field


3.1 Audit: Visit the pilot company and company area with relevant external safety institutions.

      Prepare a first analysis of Seveso-II issues for this company

3.2 Preparation for Seveso-II audits in selected establishments.

3.3 The selected establishments are audited

3.4 The results of the audit in the audited establishments will be discussed with the establishments

      and the relevant authorities The results will be written down in an audit report. The audit  

      reports should lead to clear change recommendations for the establishments.


4.1 In combined workshop of all auditing teams the audit reports will be presented and discussed.

4.2 Closing meeting or conference. In this meeting, the results of the audits and of the project will be presented to a larger audience.



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