Strengthening the Plant Variety Protection system in India | | Rijksdienst

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Strengthening the Plant Variety Protection system in India

Project purpose

Strengthen cooperation and exchange of expertise between the Indian and Dutch authorities on Plant Variety Protection and Farmer's Rights.


Project results

  • Inception report is drafted and agreed upon by Indian and Dutch partners
  • Awareness is built among higher levels and general public on the effect of Plant Variety protection
  • Recommendations are agreed upon on improvements of the present PVP and FR system
  • Improved expertise on the implementation of PVP and on DUS testing in general and in a number of specified crops





Wageningen (The Netherlands)



NAK Tuinbouw



Plant Protection



€ 150,000


Project status



Project activities

  1. Inception mission
  • Naktuinbouw and Plantum NL will discuss and agree with the Indian counterpart on the project plan which will be confirmed in a signed Management agreement between both partners.
  1. Awareness of PVP
  • A high level delegation of the Indian government will conduct a study tour to the Netherlands during which the effect of PVP on the development of the Dutch plant breeding industry will be demonstrated and discussed
  • A seminar will be organised in India with Indian and Dutch speakers on the effects of PVP, in conjunction with a big agricultural or horticultural exhibition
  1. Recommendations on present procedures
  • The whole of administrative and technical procedures, from application for to the granting of plant breeders’ rights will be reviewed and compared to that of the Netherlands and the EU
  • UPOV based DUS testing procedures on paper and in the field for a certain number of  selected crops will be reviewed

4 A. Expertise on PVP

  • Two Indian experts will participate in the two weeks international PVP course in Wageningen.

4 B. UPOV based DUS training

  • Technical training for personnel of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Authority on the practical implementation of Plant Variety Protection, on UPOV based DUS testing in general and that of potatoes, roses and chrysanthemums in particular will be given on the spot in India



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