Strengthening the Tunisian Forensic sector | | Rijksdienst

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Strengthening the Tunisian Forensic sector

Project purpose

To strengthen the forensic sector in Tunisia in using DNA evidence in criminal court cases.
And to establish cooperation and collaboration between partners in the criminal justice system to improve the Tunisian Forensic Sector.

Project results

  • Trained police officers in Crime Scene Investigation
    Improved forensic skills of the Garde National and Police Judiciaire in the field of crime scene investigation and crime scene management. 
  • Trained laboratory professionals in Forensic DNA Analyis
    Improved skills of Laboratoire Scientifique in performing forensic DNA analyses.
  • Trained magistrates in Forensic Awareness
    Improved knowledge of the value and use of forensic evidence in the criminal justice system.


Tunis, Tunesia


Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI)




€ 114,316

Project status


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