Sustainable Textile Ethiopia | | Rijksdienst

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Sustainable Textile Ethiopia


Project purpose
Contribute to a sustainable cotton and textiles sector in Ethiopia.

Project results

The objectives of the assignment are three-fold:

  • To provide insight and analysis into the cotton and textiles sector by means of an in-depth study. The focus should be on the (social and environmental) sustainability impact of the cotton production in Ethiopia, with special attention given to the effects on food security (there is a gap of 40% between supply and demand of land for cotton; land used for cotton cannot be used to produce food). As with regards to the textiles sector, the focal point of the study should be the sustainability gap in the textiles industry, and the risks that come with the development of the sector. Thirdly, attention should be given to the role of the Ethiopian cotton and textiles sector within the regional context. This analysis (in the form of a report) will provide the base for the following activities.
  • To link the opportunities in the Ethiopian cotton and textiles sector to Dutch companies, with the belief that demand for sustainable cotton and textiles will push development in the sector. Interested and relevant companies and organisations in the Netherlands will be identified, organized and informed by means of a seminar and possibly the establishment of a steering committee consisting of Dutch companies. European companies may be identified, organized and informed in this seminar and take part in the steering committee as well if the budget allows.
  • To inform relevant government and private sector stakeholders on sustainable growth of the cotton and textile sectors. As there is currently no appropriate sector platform, a feasibility study will provide insight into the possibility of establishing a sector platform. Accordingly and if demonstrated feasible, a sector platform will be established to facilitate discussions between the public and private sector, on the basis of the study in part 1. The platform will also discuss the topics of sustainability in the cotton and textiles sectors, and assess the feasibility of establishing a code of practice for the sector. These activities will need to be aligned with other initiatives in the sector, in Ethiopia and Europe.

Addis Ababa



€ 48,989

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

(1) Sustainability study on cotton and textile sectors
  • A report, containing:
    • An analysis on the social and environmental impacts of cotton production in Ethiopia, with special attention for the linkage with food security.
    • An analysis on the sustainability gaps in the textiles sector in Ethiopia.
    • The regional context within which the Ethiopian cotton and textile sectors operate.
    • A presentation of the report to the embassy.
(2) Organization of a seminar and steering committee
  • The organization of a seminar on the Ethiopian cotton and textile sectors for Dutch, and potentially European companies in the Netherlands.
  • The establishment of a steering committee of interested Dutch, and potentially European companies.
(3) Public private dialogue in Ethiopia
  • The establishment of a public-private dialogue for the cotton and textile sectors, e.g. in the form of a sector platform, which will:
    • Facilitate public private dialogue on the need for development and sustainable growth of the cotton and textile sectors in Ethiopia;
    • Provide workshops on sustainability in the cotton and textile sectors prior to the strategic conference planned by CBI;
    • Result in a feasibility study on the establishment of a code of practice on sustainable operations in the cotton and textile sectors.

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