TIESTO Timing using Integrated ElectronicS and Transfer via Optics | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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TIESTO Timing using Integrated ElectronicS and Transfer via Optics

Ultra-accurate time reference distribution for Telecom Infrastructure, Autonomous Driving, Astronomy, Smart grids, financial trading, cybersecurity and more...White Rabbit (WR) is an attractive novel technology for the distribution of time reference information. WR is built upon the Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588) protocol and provides timing accuracies of less than 1 ns over distances of beyond 10 km. The current WR implementations use 19 inch rack equipment which are difficult to implement at remote (antenna) locations due to their size and power consumption. .The project develops an energy efficient miniaturised ASSP which is required to realize a very accurate time reference system for application in remote antenna locations.

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