Towards practical cooperation between the Customs Administration of the Netherlands and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation | | Rijksdienst

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Towards practical cooperation between the Customs Administration of the Netherlands and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation

Project purpose

To identify possibilities for practical cooperation that serve bilateral interest and agree upon the first steps towards its realization.


Project results

  • A group of Russian customs officials has gained insight into the regulatory framework and daily enforcement practice of the Customs Administration of the Netherlands (including the EU perspective);
  • A declaration in which the Russian and Dutch customs authorities agree to cooperate and exchange information on several aspects of customs enforcement;
  •     A working document (possibly including a G2G project proposal) aimed at starting up practical cooperation and knowledge exchange that serves bilateral interest, drawn up in close cooperation with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.









Center for Professional Development and Communication

Tax and Customs Administration



€ 58,000


Status project



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