Training modern pigfarms "Orange Pig" | | Rijksdienst

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Training modern pigfarms "Orange Pig"

Project purpose

To arrange a training for 25 Chinese representatives regarding pig breeding.


The target group exists of representative from private business corporations and from governmental/academic and or educational branch. By combining these groups an optimal result will be reached. Each person of the different target group has a different perspective on the subject hence a wide local imbedding of the pig breeding knowledge will be reached. The training will also physically be held at the local Chinese pig farm, so the trainees will get a good feel and experience of the new approach in real life.


Project result

A group of 25 trained Chinese who are able to pass on the received knowledge to their fellow colleagues and organisations in private business enterprises and governmental/academic organisations. With as result a wider basis/market to sell pig products.













€ 125,000


Status project




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