Project purpose
Introduce Dutch soil management expertise to Chinese mid- and higher level policy and decision makers on the local level.
Project results
- Local policies / regulations on soil environmental management tested against the prescribed goals as formulated in the 12th 5-year plan);
- Recommendations made about policy making – both nationally and locally - in combination with the application of advanced technologies;
- Chinese (local) experts and decision makers able to set up and prioritise a contaminated site inventory or make an area oriented management plan;
- Chinese (local) experts and decision makers able to supervise, manage and conduct site remediation processes;
- Raised awareness for (local) experts and decision makers on soil environmental issues.
Beijing and Shanxi, Jiangsu and Guizhou provinces
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Soil management/environment
€ 240,887
Status project
At the two EPBs, a core group of 20-25 Chinese (per EPB) decision makers and technical staff will be trained in defining soil environmental management plans and gaining technical expertise to practically execute set management plans and supervise site remediation processes. The focus in Guizhou will be on area oriented approach whereas in Jiangsu the full “remediation circle” can be demonstrated.
Per EPB the following activities are envisioned:
1.1 Kick off meeting in autumn 2011. This will include a short seminar, training need analysis, site visits and assessing practical soil environmental issues in the area.
1.2 Data collection phase. EPB’s / regulators are expected to:
- Gather environmental data on soil, groundwater and waste management (i.e. land filling) and urban planning.
- Selecting suitable remediation case studies / demonstration sites for training purposes.
1.3 Extensive training. Analysis of relevant data / discussion of case studies / on the job training in China. currently 2 training missions are foreseen.
1.4 A traineeship for 2-3 selected persons in the Netherlands (at the RIVM) is optional.
1.5 Final workshop – possibly on the national level - aimed at evaluating lessons learned and drawing plans for the future.
MEP is represented directly and / or indirectly (via CRAES / NIES) involved in the training project. Overall results are disseminated in a workshop / conference (possibly on the national level). Depending on the level of knowledge of the beneficiaries, possibly a train-the-trainer approach can be employed.