Training of the railroad company | | Rijksdienst

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Training of the railroad company

Project purpose
The project aims at improving the transfer of best practices from partners and strengthening technical capacities in relevant rail transport fields in Kosovo.According to the strategic planning for the improvement of freight and passenger rail transport in Republic of Kosovo, a continuous and intensified development is foreseen in accordance with best practices in the EU. The planned cooperation project shall support the actual need for improvement of technical staff capabilities in different areas, in specific regarding train driving and maintenance of rolling stock and safety management.

Project results
Improved capacity of railway train drivers , of maintenance staff and of railway operations and safety procedures compliant with European standards in order to be prepared for the phase in which transport will increase in pace with the growing imports to and exports from Kosovo.

Pristina, Kosovo

Ies Asset Management


€ 298,260

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

  • Activity  1 Dutch project coordinating company has been identified for project implementation
  • Activity  2 Training of railway train drivers
  • Activity  3 Training of maintenance staff during improvement and certification of workshops
  • Activity  4 Training in railways operations and safety

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