TTT Artificial Intelligence | | Rijksdienst

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TTT Artificial Intelligence

TTT Artificial Intelligence (TTT-AI) helps transform academic research into ground-breaking applications and new ventures

TTT-AI offers researchers tailor made venture building support and funding that nurtures and builds new knowledge based AI ventures. This program unites the support and expertise of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Offices (KTO’s and TTO’s) of ten Dutch universities, academic medical centers and national research centers. They work closely together with many parties active in the field of AI – incubators, universities of applied science, investment funds, and network organizations, such as the Nederlandse AI Coalitie. In short, the TTT-AI program’s network represents and unites almost all AI research in the Netherlands, and therefore creates a single nation-wide support program that paves the way for new knowledge based AI startups and ventures.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world

AI has moved from science fiction to being part of our everyday lives: phones detecting faces, cars driving autonomously, and web shops telling you what you want to buy. The possibilities for AI applications are enormous. With the growing usage of AI applications and as the market for AI becomes bigger and bigger, many knowledge institutions in The Netherlands put AI on top of their priority lists to initiate collaborations with industry partners, and show fast growing numbers of AI faculty. Still, there is little attention for creating responsible AI startups based on all this new scientific knowledge, using these university-industry networks and making the most of the current time in which AI has a fast growing market potential.

Without an AI startup program, chances can be lost quickly. Indeed, of the total number of current AI startups, only a small amount is research based. Moreover, starting a business based on AI technology means dealing with issues specifically related to the topic AI (AI technology never stands alone, for instance). In short, proper guidance of AI startups calls for an AI specific program, and it is needed now. Therefore TTT-AI was created.

To find out more visit the TTT-AI website:

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