Tunisian Diplomats Training Modalities | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Tunisian Diplomats Training Modalities

Project purpose

To develop the training capacities of the Diplomatic Institute for Training and Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, in order to allow the future Tunisian diplomats to become efficient and representative agents of Tunisia new diplomacy.

Project results

The expected results of such a capacity-building would be the following ones:

  • Improve the capacity of the IDFE to better train Tunisian diplomats to address current diplomatic challenges
  • Improve some of the skills diplomats and future diplomats need to operate more efficiently (negotiation skills in particular)
  • Improve the training methods of the IDFE (curriculum design and development of interactive exercises and training methods)
  • Underline the importance of including topics such as the Rule of law, democratisation and transitional justice in diplomatic trainings
  • Develop interactive and attractive methods to train diplomats in those specific areas.

By contributing to the development of the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign affairs and its diplomatic institute, this program would thus contribute in a strategic way to the sustainability of the democratisation process and the promotion of the respect for the rule of law in Tunisia.


Tunis, Tunesia


Instituut Clingendael




€ 33,430

Project status


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