Twinning ISO secretariat Nederlands and Ghana - ISO/TC 34/SC 18 'Cocoa' - Extension to Côte d'Ivoire | | Rijksdienst

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Twinning ISO secretariat Nederlands and Ghana - ISO/TC 34/SC 18 'Cocoa' - Extension to Côte d'Ivoire

Project purpose

To strengthen the national infrastructure and enhance input from the producing country to well attune the standard and to strengthen the capacity of Côte d’Ivoire to fulfil a leading role in international standardization of cocoa.

Project results

  • Improved composition and functioning of the national mirror committee in Côte d'Ivoire;
  • Strengthened relationship between CCC, CODINORM and other national cocoa stakeholders;
  • Improved communication with national cocoa stakeholders on the standardization activities of CODINORM;
  • Signed ISO twinning agreement for the Chair and Vice-Chair;
  • Participation of Chair and Vice-Chair in the ISO training and implementation of the knowledge gained in the working processes of the twinned chairmanship;
  • Discussions with (Vice-)Chair on meeting preparation, allocation of tasks and responsibilities;
  • Outreach of Côte d'Ivoire to other cocoa-producing countries


Stichting Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut

Agriculture, law

€ 94,946

Project status
Implementation phase

Project activities

Support both CCC and CODINORM in the national follow up on the start of the national mirror committee on the following aspects:

  • Composition of the mirror committee, actions to establish a well-balanced committee
  • Indicate national relations between stakeholders, allowing stakeholders to have, in the context of the standards development, a constructive relationship with each other, CCC and CODINORM;
  • Provide explanation and active support in helping the members understand the process and the structure, focussing first on CCC;
  • Assist CODINORM to facilitate the establishment of a weighted national position;
  • Support CODINORM and CCC to ensure that the (future) criteria of a national standard are clear and already indicated in the coming years at the international level;
  • Visit Côte d'Ivoire to attend several mirror committee meetings, address national issues and international aspects and roles.

Support CCC in the role of vice-chair in ISO/TC 34/SC 18 ‘Cocoa’, in cooperation with CODINORM on the following aspects:

  • Representation towards other (cocoa producing) countries;
  • Allocate responsibilities and tasks between chair and vice-chair and to advise/train how to fulfil these tasks/responsibilities;
  • Address the language barrier as much as possible;
  • Visit Côte d'Ivoire, for preparation of (one of the) meetings of ISO/TC 34/SC 18;
  • Attend the ISO training for Chairs and Vice-chairs together and guide practical implementation of lessons learned.

For this purpose an ISO twinning arrangement will be developed between chair and vice-chair, including agreement and collaboration plan.

Support co-project leaders of two working groups of CEN/TC 415, for the subjects: ‘Management’ and ‘Profit’; this will be done in close cooperation with the CEN/TC 415 Secretariat and the project leaders.

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