Urban Development support | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Urban Development support

Project purpose

The Romanian Customs Authority is capable of performing their AEO-activities according to international agreements


(Targeted) Project results

The Romanian experts involved have increased insight into the reciprocal implementation of the AEO rules;

Best practices and the implementation aspects on management level exchanged.






Customs Administration of the Netherlands






€ 72,000


Status project

Implementation phase


Project activities

Reciprocal working visits to compare the implemented AEO system in both countries, especially the benefits for the AEO certificate holders, to analyse and discuss the differences between the two countries and to learn from each other.

  1. February 13th  and 14th 2012: Dutch experts visit the AEO experts in Bucharest;
  2. July 4th and 5th 2012: Romanian experts visit the AEO experts in the Netherlands;

A working visit on management level to exchange knowledge concerning the

implementation of the results of the analysis/best practices.

  1. October 2012: 4 days, dates to be specified.

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