Vortex Chamber II | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Vortex Chamber II

Aim of the project
To translate the concept of a vortex chamber spray dryer into a well-engineered unit operations that is ready for further scale-up and demonstration, including validation of energy saving potential (37 %, and 66 % when including heat pump), proof of low investment costs and of improved product properties. The project fits well with process intensification and energy saving objectives of ISPT.

Korte omschrijving:
- Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research to study and optimize the design and operation window for spray drying milk powder in the vortex chamber dryer
- Tuning of the design and the operation window to maximize energy saving
- Studying the effect on product properties, aiming at additional advantages of the new spray dryer concept
- Deriving design and scale-up rules
- Designing the next to be built demonstration unit and selection of equipment supplier for further development and realization
- Making a business case in order to motivate further development of the vortex chamber spray dryer
- Dissemination of the results via publications, presentations, courses and websites
The experimental and CFD research will be carried out by UCL and UT. ECN will take the lead in optimizing energy efficiency. The industrial partners will be responsible for project management, demonstration unit design and business case. ISPT will be ‘Penvoerder’ and responsible for program management, project administration tools and dissemination of results.

Research on drying of granular materials in rotating fluidized beds has shown large increase in momentum, heat and mass transfer rates. Application of this concept to spray drying of food, chemicals and pharmaceutical products offers tremendous opportunities for energy saving, investment reduction and product innovation. Explorative research to this idea has been carried out at UCL since 2012.

The project will deliver a design of a spray dryer based on the proven concept of the vortex chamber characterized by low energy consumption, low investment costs and improved product properties.
Feasibility of the design will be substantiated by a business case and by commitment of an equipment supplier to join next project phase.

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