Water Partnership Macedonia - the Netherlands | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Water Partnership Macedonia - the Netherlands

Project purpose

The purpose of the project is two fold:

1. to conclude whether a long lasting bilateral working relationship is feasible;

2. to contribute to the implementation of good and transparent water governance, i.e. monitoring,  accountability, management and control in the framework of EU water related directives Water Framework Directive, Floods Directive and Urban Waste Water Directive.


Project results

  1. National level: increased understanding at the MEPP of the practical implications of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and other water related directives like EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC): institutional, technical, financial, planning etc.
  2. Local level: review of environmental scans carried out in SE Planning Region, including list of priorities and recommendations for further action;
  3. A mutually agreed and proven Activity Plan, including financial plan, for the first three years of bilateral partnership;
  4. Depending on outcome of Go-No Go decision, further activities may be developed within the project. These should lead to a concrete result, still to be determined.



Skopje and Bosilovo



District Water Board Aa en Maas



Water governance



€ 150,000


Status project



Project activities

The project is split up into two phases:

A. Inception phase

B. First phase implementation (if positive decision Go-No)


A. During the inception phase 3 activities (missions) are planned:

Mission 1, in MK

  • Visit the NL-Embassy
  • Partner introduction MK and NL partners
  • Field trips
  • Review the environmental scans carried out in SE Planning Region; prioritize recommendations for further action
  • Acquaintance with potential donors
  • Define the project purposes for mission 2
  • Agreement on MK and NL partnership
  • Preparation of mission 2 and 3

Mission 2, in NL

  • Visit MK-Embassy
  • Introduction ‘s-Hertogenbosch: Aa en Maas, Brabant Water and Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
  • Introduction Tilburg: DLG and BOM
  • Introduction The Hague: Ministry I&M
  • Introduction at BOM
  • Field trips
  • Preparation of mission 3

Mission 3, in MK

  • Visit the NL-Embassy
  • Knowledge exchange on the practical implications of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and other water related directives like EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC): institutional, technical, financial, planning etc.
  • Workshops: Define and prioritize the project activities first phase implementation (Logical Framework method)
  • Field trips
  • Mapping grant and co-financing opportunities
  • Building the reports on the inception phase, the grant/co-financing opportunities and the first implementation phase.


B. Activities in the implementation phase to be determined, depending on Go-No Go decision. If positive, then result 4 to be determined in consultation NL and MK stakeholders. Budget to be approved by NL EVD International. 

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