Workshops SIAM Fair Morocco | | Rijksdienst

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Workshops SIAM Fair Morocco

Project purpose

The purpose of the thematic workshop is to mount discussion and disseminate knowledge amongst Moroccan public and private stakeholders about:

- solutions to limit the food losses in Morocco;

- new techniques and products to overcome climate obstacles;

in order to be able to develop new strategies for Morocco

Project results

Results of the workshop will be:

  • To determine the causes of food losses that occur in different stages between production and consumption (Pre-harvest, Harvesting, Storage, Preparation for market, Transport, Handling at destination) and come up with suitable solutions to establish a  more efficient food chain management in Morocco.
  • To develop new strategies and food chain management.

This information will be used to support the ongoing study ordered by the agricultural office on agro-logistic in Morocco.

  • To demonstrate the advantages of implementing a climate smart agriculture,
  • To work with the official authorities to find possible ways to start implementing a more climate smart agriculture.

Findings of the workshop will be presented in a short report to EKN Rabat and to RVO.


Rabat, Morocco


Wur Food & Biobased Research


€ 11.079,00

Project status


Project activities

Two workshops by Dutch experts on:

  • Food losses in the agro-food production and logisitics:

determining the impact of food losses on the agro-food productions, its causes and possible strategies for reduction of food losses

  • Climate smart agriculture: demonstrating the benefit and the ways to establish  a more climate smart agriculture

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