Ondersteunde projecten door RVO | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Ondersteunde projecten door RVO

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Bekijk welke projecten een financiële of ondersteunende bijdrage (deels) van de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) hebben gekregen.

Stel uw eigen projectoverzicht samen door de resultaten te verfijnen op subsidies en financiering, sector, jaar, land en/of provincie. Of geef in het vrije zoekveld een eigen zoekopdracht. Bekijk de resulaten via de lijstweergave of de kaartweergave.

Projecten die wij uitvoeren op het gebied van ontwikkelingssamenwerking vindt u in onze Project Database.

Ook is er voor u een XML-bestand met open data beschikbaar.
Let op dit bestand is 80 MB.

  • Technische Universiteit Delft - Q-Ranger


    Q-RANGER aims at reducing both manufacturing costs and size of Q-RNG. These Q-RNG will be based on a Quantum Entropy Source (QES) compatible with CMOS technology. This technology...

  • Heemskerk Innovative Technology B.V. - SACRO


    The project will combine the strong points of two existing service robots: REEM and ROSE, add tele-operation technology and interactive object recognition and task learning skills...

  • PamGene International B.V. - Triple T2


    Triple-T combines the expertise of 2 companies specialized in kinase activity and genomic profiling with academically developed technologies to provide doctors and patients with...

  • Inertia Technology B.V. - PHOENIX


    The goal is to instrument the factory objects with intelligent wireless sensors and transform them into smart networked objects, which detect and self-protect from failures. The...

  • Heliox B.V. - Nitihealth


    Synoste is looking to apply its competencies in the management of smart materials and wireless electronics to create novel applications for the healthcare sector. Patented...

  • AimValley BV - Smarter SFP


    During this project the next generation of Smart SFPs will be developed.
    First a new platform will be defined which is much more powerful than the existing generation....

  • Proti-Farm R&D B.V. - SUSMEAL


    This project will investigate how to grow mealworms (beetle larvae) in a more automated and standardised manner suitable for cost-effective mass production. We will design a mass...




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