Ondersteunde projecten door RVO | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Ondersteunde projecten door RVO

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Bekijk welke projecten een financiële of ondersteunende bijdrage (deels) van de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) hebben gekregen.

Stel uw eigen projectoverzicht samen door de resultaten te verfijnen op subsidies en financiering, sector, jaar, land en/of provincie. Of geef in het vrije zoekveld een eigen zoekopdracht. Bekijk de resulaten via de lijstweergave of de kaartweergave.

Projecten die wij uitvoeren op het gebied van ontwikkelingssamenwerking vindt u in onze Project Database.

Ook is er voor u een XML-bestand met open data beschikbaar.
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  • Cavendish Kinetics B.V. - TuPAMo


    TuPA is a Tunable Power Amplifier project aimed at delivering a fully integrated CMOS-based Power Amplifier (PA) Module that will tune to all cell phone bands between 700 and...

  • Mindlight B.V. - ORBIPS


    Deliver into the construction market an innovative collaborative solution based on the design and development of a process-centric system where the client will create tailored...

  • U-Needle BV - Micro-Needle breakthrough


    Make our patented micro-needles accessible for the users in the fields of: vaccination, (novel) drug delivery and dermatology.
    Bring the unique atom-sharp prototypes further...

  • Micro Turbine Technology B.V. - HiPerTurbines


    The project focuses on the industrial development of a high performance micro-turbine technology, specifically of high-efficient turbo machinery components (advanced compressor...

  • Micreos Food Safety BV - Campylo-Phage


    To obtain a new product that significantly reduces the presence of Campylobacter spp. in fresh poultry products throughout the food chain by using bacteriophages, an innocuous...

  • Leapfrog B.V. - HR3D COLOURPRINTER


    Leapfrog, a Dutch 3D printer manufacturer, and the Belgian world leader in 3D software, Materialise, will jointly develop an innovative, new 3D printer that can print objects in...

  • DCPrime B.V. - PRIMECURE


    PRIMECURE aims at development of a disruptive technology platform to create and validate off-the-shelf therapeutic cancer vaccines for any type of cancer. The underlying cell line...




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