Ondersteunde projecten door RVO | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Ondersteunde projecten door RVO

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Bekijk welke projecten een financiële of ondersteunende bijdrage (deels) van de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) hebben gekregen.

Stel uw eigen projectoverzicht samen door de resultaten te verfijnen op subsidies en financiering, sector, jaar, land en/of provincie. Of geef in het vrije zoekveld een eigen zoekopdracht. Bekijk de resulaten via de lijstweergave of de kaartweergave.

Projecten die wij uitvoeren op het gebied van ontwikkelingssamenwerking vindt u in onze Project Database.

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  • Single Quantum BV - UQuaC


    We will develop the fastest single-photon detectors on the market. The detectors will be based on nanowire superconducting circuits operated at cryogenic temperatures. We will...

  • Tubascan Ltd. - TUBATEST


    Almost 25% of women with Chlamydia t. (CT)-associated subfertility are faced with sub-optimal treatments due to a lack of accurate diagnostic tools. Genetic studies have enabled...

  • Linesolar BV - SOLARPower2.0


    LineSolar’s MLC Solar PV technology allows solar farms to compete directly with conventional power plants. With 50% lower module production costs (compared to Chinese solar...

  • Drug Discovery Factory B.V. - PNEUMONAV


    PNEUMONAV will develop a novel intranasal prototype vaccine against pneumococcal infections, which will consist of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs), displaying fragments of novel...

  • Technische Universiteit Delft - Q-Ranger


    Q-RANGER aims at reducing both manufacturing costs and size of Q-RNG. These Q-RNG will be based on a Quantum Entropy Source (QES) compatible with CMOS technology. This technology...

  • Heemskerk Innovative Technology B.V. - SACRO


    The project will combine the strong points of two existing service robots: REEM and ROSE, add tele-operation technology and interactive object recognition and task learning skills...




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