Ondersteunde projecten door RVO | RVO.nl | Rijksdienst

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Ondersteunde projecten door RVO

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Bekijk welke projecten een financiële of ondersteunende bijdrage (deels) van de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) hebben gekregen.

Stel uw eigen projectoverzicht samen door de resultaten te verfijnen op subsidies en financiering, sector, jaar, land en/of provincie. Of geef in het vrije zoekveld een eigen zoekopdracht. Bekijk de resulaten via de lijstweergave of de kaartweergave.

Projecten die wij uitvoeren op het gebied van ontwikkelingssamenwerking vindt u in onze Project Database.

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  • Almende BV - SCRATCH

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    Project description The development and operation of secure, large-scale IoT systems is difficult. Technological platforms providing the necessary building blocks to integrate...

  • Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V - IMPACT

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    Healthcare faces many challenges like improving patient outcome and working more cost-effectively in the face of growing demand, declining staff capacity and the rapid succession...

  • Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V - DAYTIME

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    The concept of digital twin can provide solutions for the challenges faced in Smart Manufacturing, e.g. for Predictive Maintenance (PdM) techniques. Even though predictive...

  • Océ-Technologies B.V. - VISDOM

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    Visualisation is a powerful method for communication, especially in cross-disciplinary communication with various stakeholders, as in operations. Many software development tools...

  • Eindhoven Medical Robotics B.V. - SPINEROBOT

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    Worldwide, there is a huge for affordable, accessible and scalable healthcare solutions. In this project, Dutch and Indian organizations team up to develop a global solution...

  • BioSparQ B.V. - InPoChlam

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    One Health is the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines to attain optimal health for people, animals and the environment. The transmission from microorganisms from the...

  • Optics11 B.V. - SmartFTMS

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    In Taipei, the Mass Rapid Transit system corsses through many high populated residential areas. The noise acceptance criteria is very strict, there are many tracks with small-...

  • Optics11 B.V. - FOS-MTM

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    Fiber Optic Sensing has a number of great advantages over electrical sensing, being (amongst others) no electromagnetic susceptibility, few and small cables, small dimensions and...

  • Somni Corporation B.V. - FBGLFA

    Regeling Internationaal innoveren

    Structural health monitoring (SHM) plays an important role in maintaining system integrity of aging civil structures such as bridges and buildings. The project will jointly...




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